restorative justice
at ur higher selfie, we use the following definition of restorative justice by our friend and collaborator, Stephen Fowler:
“restorative justice is a philosophy in which we are analyzing the ways we show up and occupy spaces, interact/react to conflict, and actively oppose systems of oppression.
it is an internal and cultural shift from punitive measures that instead focuses on healing harms when they occur.
this shift is rooted in the value of building and maintaining relationship.
restorative justice without equity is neither restorative nor just.
restorative justice values are not new.”
we provide restorative justice services to companies, organizations, schools, and community members.
maybe you’ve experienced or caused harm and want to talk it through in a way that honors the relationships and equity values. maybe the current HR processes at your organization aren’t actually serving your staff well. maybe your teachers are wanting to develop more restorative ways of being with their students.
we can meet with you to help understand where you’re at, what services you need, and how we can best provide support. that might look like restorative justice trainings, developing an ongoing coaching relationship with leadership, facilitating restorative dialogues, or a combination thereof. we love collaborating to find creative pathways together.

“I grew up afraid of interpersonal conflict. There was very real fear about losing connection with others if I did speak out. Studying restorative justice practices and mediation strategies and learning new ways of thinking / reframing my stance with Marita helped me to feel more confident in how I approached interpersonally uncomfortable moments.”